
CAD/CAM (Creo Parametric, Solid Works, Surfcam, & Mastercam)
Industrial Maintenance & Technology
Course Length
40 Hours
Max Attendees
Course Description
For Creo and SolidWorks, the course provides an introduction to 3D modeling. Topics include datums, creating sketches and solid features. For Mastercam and SURFCAM topics include importing geometry, creating new geometry, generating toolpaths, and verifying paths.
Course Objectives
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
- Create sketches with dimensions and constraints
- Create extruded, revolved and sweep features
- Create assemblies models
- Create and edit surfaces
Course Outline
- Introduction to Creo Parametric
- Creating Sketches
- The sketch mode
- Working with a sketch
- Dimensioning a sketch
- Working with constraints
- Creating Base Features
- Extruding a sketch
- Revolving a sketch
- Creating cuts
- Datums
- Default datum planes
- Datum options
- Creating Features
- Advanced Modeling Tools
- Assembly Modeling
- Top-down approach
- Bottom-up approach
- Assembling components
- Surface Modeling
- Creating surfaces
- Surface editing tools
- Freestyle modeling environment