The Alabama Technology Network (ATN) has received notice that one or more individuals have tested positive for COVID-19 and are currently quarantined and receiving medical treatment in accordance with public health protocols. Out of an abundance of caution and in our efforts to stem the spread of the COVID-19 virus we will be notifying those that have been in close contact and these individuals will be asked to self-quarantine for the next 14 days.
Health and safety remain our number one priority. ATN is following medical protocols from state and national health authorities and has implemented recommended guidelines in relation to social distancing, hygiene, travel, and visits to the College. In addition, we are taking additional steps to attempt to ensure the cleanliness of all of our facilities. While we hope and pray this will be the only positive tests for COVID-19 within our College community, in the event, there are others of which we become aware, we will use our best efforts to notify those we are able to determine have had contact with that individual so they may take recommended health measures.
ATN is committed to keeping you updated on the local COVID-19 risk and will provide direction to our staff, and families with additional instruction as appropriate.